View Full Version : This account of Yahoo! it has been disabled

01-27-2005, 06:40 AM
I to need help......do you know some e-mail address to send a message to Yahoo so that they activate me again the account?
The message that Yahoo sends me when I request a new password is this:

This account of Yahoo! it has been disabled
Please, have in mind that the Conditions of the service of Yahoo! they settle down that Yahoo! it dog cancel, to disable y/o to eliminates you your bill in certain situations, including to) violations to the Conditions of the service or other agreements mentioned in them; b) in answer to the user's order (bill elimination begun by the user); or, c) long periods of inactivity. For lives information, please visit the Conditions of the service.

I didn't make anything of what they say here.
Please if can be helped me i would thank them of heart.
Thank you

04-02-2005, 11:01 AM
Basiclly what there saying is u violated some sorta rule they have or something........there system is GAY!!!!!!!! they not only disable accounts they delete, chat ban, lock, and remove, your accts, sometimes without warning! so i just gotta say that yahoo is a bunch of fuck nutted bitches....lol dont mind my langauge, btw the yahell phone number is 1-408-349-1572