View Full Version : Alltel-Can Anyone Tell Me My Rights re: a Privacy Breach on My Account Info?

06-18-2006, 06:21 AM
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I signed up with Alltel in May. I have not authorized anyone else to have access to my account info. My first bill from them was much more than I had anticipated and I couldn't pay it by the due date, May 23. On the following Saturday, May 27, an Alltel Customer Service Rep called my home and someone else at my home answered the phone. The Alltel Rep must have asked to speak with me and the person who answered always asks, "Who's calling, please?" just to give me a heads up on what the call might be about. Nevertheless, I never got the call. This Alltel Rep told the person who answered the phone at my home EVERYTHING about my account, my past due payment, how much it was, EVERYTHING! I found out about this call two days later, when the person who took the call told me about it. I was very upset and absolutely livid that a company that asks me to verify with them who I am when I call to get information on my own account would dare call my home and just give that info out like that to whomever answered the phone. I finally got my thoughts together this past Wednesday, June 14, and sent them an e-mail (just after midnight on Wednesday morning) regarding what happened and how I felt about it. It is three days later and all I have gotten from them is the generic, "We have received your e-mail and will answer it in a timely manner..." I would have thought that considering the seriousness of this incident, someone from Alltel by now would have called me or e-mailed me with some kind of answer as to what they were doing about it or even an apology that it happened. Alltel sent me a text message one day after my payment was due reminding me to pay, yet, I can't even get some kind of answer after three days? I am a very private person and it is just inexcusable to me that a company representative would do something like that! Does anyone know, what are my rights as an individual whose privacy was breached and account info compromised? I cannot find anything on the internet about this! By the way, I paid the bill in full on Friday, June 2. Along with my email regarding the incident, I sent an apology for the late payment, an acknowledgment that I had received my June bill, and a promise that payment would be on time this time.