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whitec678 07-13-2005 10:24 PM

Yahoo Contact
I have tried to access my account with Yahoo since Monday and I sent several emails to Yahoo Help with absolutely no help. This is mmy problem: When I tried logging on which I had this account forever, it would not accept my password, I asked it to email my password to me, however, I forgot which alternate email address I used.....They said they can not help me because I do not know my alternate email address. I don't remember what answer I put for my secret question, and I have tons of important email that I need to get to.

Do you have any suggestions? I really could use a contact telephone number to Yahoo! Is there such a thing?

Despearate :confused:

hozaks 07-14-2005 10:39 PM

Yahoo Contact Info
You can contact the Yahoo Customer Care department (joke) by calling 408-349-1572.

erinborger77 07-15-2005 01:22 AM

Me too- the account is gone?
I too have not been able to access my yahoo account that I have had forever! Since yesterday. I hope it is a bug and they fix it. At least I am not alone. Does anyone know yahoo's c.s. # ???

YahooFrustrated 07-15-2005 08:50 PM

Important Info. On Yahoo's Mail Server
have not been able to access my email account since July 9th. I have spent too much time trying to get a competent person who can give me answers. I spent nearly 3 hours on the phone the first day July 9th with an SBC Cust. Rep. resetting passwords, home page defaults, ip addresse ect. over and over again. No Luck, It was now the week end and of course no one is going to deal with it on the week end. It wasn't until July 12th that I finally got some answers. There mail server had been down since July 9th, however they had not addressed the issue or informed Cust. Serv. of status. I found out about the problems with the server from a very knowledgable SBC Cust. Rep. I just happen to get lucky to get a person who cared and took the time to research it. It was not an easy task for this person to get answers and they are part of a Company that owns Yahoo. If there internal Cust. Serv. has problems with getting information, we are out of luck as paying customers. I am so fed up with them ignoring the customer, making it literally impossible to get a hold of them in hopes that we will just give up. There has to be something we can do collectively!

Current Status on this problem is as follows: The mail server came back up temporarily on July 13th and then crashed again. It is now July 15th and once again the week end is upon us and I can not access my emails, some of which are very critical. I called Cust. Serv. spent 14 minutes on hold just to get a very incompetent Cust. Serv. person who did not have a clue about this problem and did not seem to care. I had to tell them about the problem and the fact that the mail server had been down since July 9th. The response I got was it is Yahoo's problem not ours.

I am soooooooo! fed up and Mad!

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