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Old 07-15-2006, 08:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by victim_pwd_plshelp
Hey eibgrad,

Glad to have ur response. I totally agree.. i dont mind shelling 20 bucks but in return get my account safe and back. But why would u think they will upgrade "our" account in the first place when they are not ready to consider the account as "ours" !!! My problem is they are not ready to move ahead since I am not able to give them the information that I entered at the time of registration. All I have is the alternate email address wherein I received the password changed notification. But they wont move ahead until I give them the correct birthdate.

So I guess I am missing something here. I dont understand how can I get "my" account upgraded without them going through my identification process.

Please reply.

You're right. As I've posted in other threads regarding my problem, it is slightly different in that I'm being locked out due to the "Temporary problem accessing your mailbox" message (that I'm sure you've all seen from time to time). Normally, a simple logout and login fixes the problem immediately. Now, after 6-7 years w/ no Yahoo issues, I can't fix this error, it remains stuck.

What I proposed in another thread is perhaps (like me) some of you used the old Yahoo payment system. If so, you *might* be able to get verification by giving Yahoo that credit card information instead of the traditional information. Of course, once the scammer has the account, who knows if that info isn't compromised as well. Just a proposal, no guarantees.

But if someone scams you into giving your account away, well..., you have a serious problem, more serious than mine. Frankly, I'm not sure I understand why ppl would not have the verification data (e.g., birthdate) unless the scammer who grabbed the account has changed it. I heard someone before claim this information was not part of the original signup, so perhaps this is part of the problem too. But you would think Yahoo was aware of that potential (then again, given their treatment of free services, perhaps they just don't give a crap, unfortunately).

Maybe ya'll need to find a way to scam the scammers. Send them tons of spam, maybe someone at Yahoo will finally listen. Since it's YOUR account, it isn't even technically spam!

But honestly, I don't see any real way to address the problem if someone has actually taken possession of the account. Minimally you need *some* cooperation from Yahoo. I'm thinking that maybe if you OFFER to upgrade, maybe they'll at least listen (money talks). The scammers are certainly not going to bring any money Yahoo's way. Ok, it's only $20, but it might at least get someone to MOVE over there. Maybe you can use something else to verify, like knowing what email addresses are currently in your account, order #s from purchase confirmation emails, etc. But you have to get someone's ear over there first if this has any chance of working, which is why I would at least OFFER to purchase additional services. Maybe even a domain name too. If the account is that important, anything is worth trying, and even for a few bucks. Consider it the price paid for being taken in by these fithy scammers.
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