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Old 04-08-2005, 04:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Angry Yahoo are robots!!!

I run the League in Yahoo, Euchre Social 17..6 weeks ago during a change in the server by Yahoo Games our Lobby became infected..We started having issues getting into the lounge..Sometimes it would take an hour or 2 to get in, to find that when we did, we were in one of the 4 lounges that have now became Social 17...My League consists of up to 400 members..With approx 100+ playing daily..We have sent numerous emails daily to the Help Line to only get automated responses..We have currently been locked out of Social 17 now completely for 4 days...
I have also tried several times to call the Customer Service Line to get no help at all..Which btw i have been calling from Australia..We have faxed the Corporate Offices...Again no help...
It has taken me 2 year to build my league up to where it is now, for it to be falling apart a little bit more each day due to Yahoo and its inept ability to fix the Lounge...
For such a big company who uses the term " We care about Customer Service" ...All i can say is whoever came up with that one must have been drunk...Otherwise this problem would hae been looked at after the first day..Not still going 6 weeks later......

Any advice or help you can give us, believe me will be welcomed..
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