04-26-2005, 04:03 PM
Yahoo Games
Hi, I've been a backgammon player for years and years. The problem is that the amount of cheating players has increased astronomically the latest month. Also, the Yahoo bg system itself fails completely. It's obvious that the Yahoo Games Section is intirely in hands by hackers, cheaters and cheat software specialists. And there is simply nothing that Yahoo can do about it, for they have no longer any control over this themselves.
This way, I have only ONE SINGLE request to Yahoo : Please erase everything of my givens ( nickname, entry code, ratings, ... ) that heve ever been on the Yahoo Games Section ever. I do not want to have anything to do with Yahoo Games any longer. I want these to be removed for ever and ever. It's frustrating to be cheated hours a day, it's so not worth it any longer. Worse of all is, that any single player, with no knowledge or special software, is able to lay down the entire system ... how safe can a site actually be ? So, to Yahoo : please erase all of my givens, out of the Yahoo Games Section ... I know your intentions years ago were perfect, but now it's so nothing anymore ...