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Old 06-30-2005, 06:39 PM
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Default Private chat rooms

Yor shotgun approach to closing privates chat rooms leaves to me wonder where you have been over these many years of private chat rooms.Why did it take a withdrawl of ad support for you to react to what your members have been trying to get you to address in what seems like forever.The to do something as knee jerk as close all privarte chat rooms leaves one to wonder if you live in the real world.
You , Yahoo have been complicate with these peverts for far too long ,but to shut down christian gospel rooms and other rooms monitored by the users such as the 50's music room dowop just shows how little you have been keeping tabs on chat rooms.It is Non Existant.
All who frequent private chat rooms are NOT pervs.By the same token all who visit your public chat rooms are not saints.
Do your job and monitor as AOL and others do and don't forever try to get us to believe you are unaware of the problems that exists.
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