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Old 11-24-2005, 09:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Angry offending & impersonation ids

an offending profile has been made about me the id is fatima_chami_in_bankstown this guy has mad this profile about me he has put my real name my real surname my real adress and my real phone number he also has mt pictures in this profile...he has been using this profile every night in sydney global chat 2 he posts personal information in the main name my last name.. where i phone number and says offending wordss and is using my pictures..please you must pull down this profile since its been made under the usa yahoo, this has been going on for about 1 month now this sick guy wont stop please pull down this profile.i dont know who else to contact..please pull down this offending profile fatima_chami_in_bankstown ..who can i contact to pull this profile down this profile is made using usa yahoo....
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