11-26-2005, 06:44 PM
Here is the name and address of the Chief Operating Officer of SBC. You can write to Whitacre all day long and the guy is an ass that never responds.
Mr. Randall L. Stephenson, COO
SBC Communications, Inc.
175 East Houston
San Antonio, TX 78205-2233
I wrote to Mr. Stephenson (certified) with green card, and a week from the day I sent the letter I received a call from a woman who swore that Stephenson reads all customer mail and she spent an hour on the phone with me. Not that it necessarily did any good, but forget about Whitacre; all he does is put out lies to the stockholders and media; he apparently cares nothing about the company; just saving his own rear end (which is in trouble with the stockholders for his mismanagment of the company).
You can read about my experiences with SBC here:
Or you can read the lead in to the above now that SBC has bought out AT&T and is changing their name to AT&T here: