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Old 08-04-2006, 09:55 PM
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Default Success (water cleaves the rock)

OMG - I have just reached the end of a nine-week odyssey battling yahoo customer "care" and I still can't believe I emerged victorious!!!!

My email account stopped being able to receive new mail in May. I wrote an received the usual computer-generated nonsense. I replied, they replied with more off-topic material. I wrote again. We played tag like this for weeks. I started over from scratch with a new person. No luck. I wrote again. No luck. I replied to all three threads. No luck.

It eventually turned into a sort of game - my new hobby of writing to customer care on a daily basis. There was obviously no hope of getting the problem resolved - my email was gone, and I was resolved to that - but I would waste as much of their time as possible.

Some days I was annoyed, sometimes matter-of-fact. I even offered to upgrade to their paid service if someone would take an interest. Nobody did.

And then yesterday - I got the first email that was obviously from a person!
It described the problem accurately, quoted me a case number, and said that they would be back to me shortly. Then an hour later the same person wrote to say that the problem had been resolved.

Now I'm happy, but at a loss - writing to customer care had become part of my daily routine - now I have to look for a new hobby!

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