01-08-2007, 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by jking233
Ok People,
My Yahoo Account got hacked yesterday. I did all the “if you forgot your user name or password” stuff got the same E-mail as everyone else has. I called 866 562-7219 waited about 10 min I think his name was Max who I talked with. I can tell you FIRST and foremost BE NICE and POLITE. I told him my whole story yada yada… Hope this helps and remember being NICE and POLITE to Customer NO service can sometimes work!!
Can you you help being nice and polite, when you get no,slow or poor reponse from Yahoo that includes over many months standard form letter replies that has nothing to do with your problems, being told different things by Yahoo Staff that doesn't give you answers, being told to supply more information when you cannot as you don't have more information to give etc etc etc etc