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Customer Service Articles

Remember the old addage, "the customer always comes first"? The popularity of the internet and online shopping, combined with email and phone communication, many believe that the customer no longer "comes first". The rising costs of having employees has forced companies large and small to begin outsourcing customer service duties to companies that have nothing to do with their own. It is no wonder that more and more people are growing dissatisfied with their shopping experiences.

Understanding that many of the details of human interaction are lost over email and the telephone, we are publishing customer service articles that may be able to help those of you who are in the customer service field and are looking for a different perspective. These articles are free to read, but are copyrighted material of SupportSentry.com. If you are interested in reprinting any of the articles about customer service, please email us at info@supportsentry.com.

Please note that we have just begun to publish these articles, so there may not be more than one or two to chose from. We are writing new articles as time permits, so check back often.

What is Good Customer Service?

In our first article about customer service, we explore what people consider to be good customer service. We all pretty much understand what bad customer service is, but what are the things that make you remember a particular shopping experience and make you tell a friend about?

Personal Touch in Customer Service

In this second article one customer service representative discusses the power of a personal touch in diffusing irate customers. Sometimes email is not enough and a simple phone call can carry more power than you expect.


Last modified on Friday, 20-Jul-2007 15:07:12 PDT