SupportSentry WebSupport Features
[ Click Here for our Free SpamBlock anti-spam service ]Support Sentry the online customer service system designed for website owners by website owners.
Incoming Email handling features only available in SupportSentry PRO.
SupportSentry WebSupport Features:
Installs In Seconds
Support Sentry is a service that runs on our servers which means it installs in seconds to any website with no installation or programming required. All you need is an HTML link that we will provide.

Supports Multiple Websites
Support Sentry was designed from the ground up to support multiple websites with a single administrator interface. For people who manage multiple websites Support Sentry will save you valuable time everyday in responding to requests from your websites. You can configure any number of email addresses from each site to be handled by Support Sentry.

Has A Customizable Interface
The look and feel your customers receive is editable per site. This includes not only the color and graphics but the text in the emails. There are default values that work fine so there is less setup for you, however if you want to give your users an experience fully customized around your website you can do that as well.

Handles Multiple Identities For You
Support Sentry will automatically reply with the correct address for any website you have configured. No more creating multiple profiles and idendities and trying to keep them straight when replying. In addition Support Sentry creates tickets for each request so both you and your customers can track the progress of each request.

Handles Email and Web Initiated Requests
Support Sentry handles incoming requests by email or through the web interface. You can even reply to requests using only your email client and the response will still get put in the database and appear to come from the correct website. The text the user sees in emails or when submitting requests on the web is all customizable using special replacement tags.

Provides Trackable Request IDs
Support Sentry presents the user with a "ticket id" that they can use to track the status of their request.
Email notification for site owners of new requests and customers of answers
Notifies any number of staff members upon new requests and immediatly sends an email to the customer with a tracking ID. The customer knows their request has been received and is being addressed. The customer will also receive an email notification when the request has been answered. You can send the answer in this request or require them to log in to view the answer, thus allowing better tracking of solved requests.
Automatically Searches Database For Answers
When the knowledge base feature is active, upon submitting a request by either web or email the user will be presented with solutions that may be relevent to their question. Allowing your customers to solve their problem before you even see the request.
Builds Knowledge Base from Your Answers
Every time you answer a question you have the option to add it to the knowledge base so that it can be found by users in the future before requesting support.
Saves Time and Money
Support Sentry was designed from the ground up to save website owners time and money. We think once you try it that you won't be able to do without the services it provides at such an affordable price!